DOWNLOADS Aphrodite's Sister: The Goddess of Emotion by Kelly Balch, Kelly Balch

Aphrodite's Sister: The Goddess of Emotion by Kelly Balch, Kelly Balch

Free best books download Aphrodite's Sister: The Goddess of Emotion

Download Aphrodite's Sister: The Goddess of Emotion PDF

  • Aphrodite's Sister: The Goddess of Emotion
  • Kelly Balch, Kelly Balch
  • Page: 184
  • Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
  • ISBN: 9798218022143
  • Publisher: Goulden Publishing

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Free best books download Aphrodite's Sister: The Goddess of Emotion


Petra Ambrosi is a Goddess with empathic abilities, though she is emotionless herself. She is overconfident and stubborn until she is sent down to Earth to live with mortals. Everything she believed she knew about the world turns upside down when she meets a young woman who unleashes emotions that have remained dormant in her for a century. Petra must now cope with a new vulnerability, as well as learn the hard way that the path to true love isn't always easy. She is challenged at every turn as she discovers her true self and feelings towards a mortal girl.

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